Thursday, October 15, 2009


Well, it's been a few days since I last posted and my beautiful plans of sleeping in were shot when my sweet baby girl Rea licked me in the face at 7:30 am, needing to potty!

I've done all the Twitter and facebook stalking I can do, so I thought I would make a shameless plug for my Dad's Twitter account!

He is brand new to tweeting and really wants/needs to up his followers! His tweets will be basic statements about sports, razorbacks, and/or slightly more personal comments about his articles!

I highly encourage all of you Tweeters to follow him, not just because he is my dad, but because he is awesome and has some neat things to say and great insight on a lot of things.... And if you aren't in to sports and Razorbacks, follow him just for me! I will consider it a personal favor!

You can find him under WallyLikeItIs

Thanks guys and happy Tweeting!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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